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Arabic Web Days

Google Arabic Web Days

Global Content

Google wanted to increase the Arabic Content, therefore Google created vibrant Arabic Web Days for December 12

Focus on the core problems of your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm with ideas on how to solve them - Arabic Content
— Linda Allen
DUBAI, UAE, UAE, December 12, 2017 / -- Google wants to boost Arabic Content Online, so Google launched a vibrant  Arabic Web Days.  12 percent of the World’s population speaks Arabic yet only 3% of the content on the internet is Arabic.
Arabic is a very difficult language to translate. There are over twelve million unique words in the language and numerous ways to say the same thing. The right-to-left orientation, the script, and the many dialects of the millions of speakers means enlisting a native speaking, professional Arabic translation team familiar with the specific target audience is essential to translating and localizing your content in an appropriate and culturally correct manner.
Arabic web addresses are one of the best ways to increase the percentage of Arabic content online.  The growth potential for content in Arabic is immense, and the arrival and spread of Arabic domain names will be a major boost.
As the market for online content in Arabic expands, a growing proportion of the content is appearing in video rather than text form.  93% of videos are produced in The Middle East are in Arabic.
Another area to benefit from the expansion of Arabic content is the Middle East’s ecommerce market, in which the UAE and Saudi Arabia are the current leaders. A study by PayPal forecasts that ecommerce across the MENA region will grow to $20 billion by 2018, with 25% of transactions done via mobile devices. The Gulf has some of the highest rates of smartphone penetration in the world, with the UAE close to 200%, closely followed by Saudi Arabia.
The rapidly increase of smartphone purchases also has a profound effect with $500 million as the demand for Arabic language applications increase.  Take Apple Nemo as an example.
High quality content is a requirement for increasing digital content in Arabic.
Lastly, another massive expansion of Arabic content is expected to flow from the various “smart city” projects that have been launched in the Gulf in recent years: six in Saudi Arabia, and two in the UAE: Masdar City in Abu Dhabi and Smart City Dubai.
If your company is looking for another venue for increasing revenue, expansion, diversification or improve opportunities in the Middle East, generate Arabic Content.  The Arab market holds the economic power for growth.
We welcome your inquires about our Arabic strategies.

Linda Allen
Digitize FZC: Digital Marketing Consultants
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